Why it is important to talk about money

La educación financiera es clave para tener las riendas de nuestra economía familiar

Why is it hard for us to talk about money? We live in a society in which we talk more and more naturally about topics that until recently were taboo, but nevertheless, we still find it hard to talk about money. How would you react if a friend or relative asked you how much you earn? If the answer is with nervousness and not knowing very well what to answer, pay attention because we give you reasons for you to start to see this topic of conversation naturally.

The Bank of Spain, after a survey conducted in 2018, stated that 46% of Spanish people consider that their financial knowledge is low or very low. Financial education is key for us to know how to manage our finances in a healthy way and not have to resort to revolving cards or quick loans that can make us fall into a spiral of debt from which it is later very difficult to get out.

Talking about money with family and friends can help us discover how they have managed to save in recent years, how they have dealt with a bad economic period or how much their house has cost them, which can be beneficial for managing our money.

If you also think your financial knowledge is low, we recommend you start talking about money and learn about the different banking products on the market, ways to save or what to do with your money in retirement, for example. From ASUFIN we know how important it is that consumers are well educated and informed, so we work every day to ensure that financial education reaches every corner.

We organize webinars, share product sheets and infographics and publish web notes, among other actions, so that everyone can access financial education content. Here are some examples that may be interesting and helpful to improve your financial knowledge:

Did you find this content helpful? Are you going to be more open to talking about money from now on? Education is key for you to be a responsible and healthy consumer.

Proyecto Peppi
Cofinanciado por la UE

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