Patricia Suárez will be part of the financial advisory group of the European Commission

She has been selected to represent consumers in the FSUG, a body that will advise the financial area of the European Commission in the development of European regulations

Patricia Suárez, president of ASUFIN, has been appointed to form part of the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) that advises the European Commission on the development of policies with an impact on financial consumption.

This body reports to the Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DGFISMA), the financial policy area of the Commission, and is made up of 20 experts from across the EU, appointed to represent users in regulatory initiatives.

We are already present in a large part of the institutions and regulatory bodies that define European policy in financial matters. Last April, Suárez was appointed a member of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), and in June 2020, she joined the Advisory Council (BSG) of the European Banking Authority (EBA).

This new appointment comes at a critical time with many challenges to respond to. Not only the delicate war context taking place in Europe, which has destabilized and worsened economic forecasts and financial conditions, but also the transformations that the sector is undergoing, in a context of intense digitalization of finances, with new factors to attend to such as the irruption of investment in crypto assets.

In this scenario of changes and delicate balances, financial consumer protection is more important than ever. The lack of information or, on the contrary, the excess or poor quality of it and the confusion, leaves many retailers unassisted in their rights. ASUFIN’s voice will contribute, once again, to combating these dangers.


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