How does over-indebtedness affect mental health?

The economic situation affects our mood. We tell you how.

At ASUFIN we care about your financial health and also your mental health. The economic crisis, the need to resort to loans and the lack of liquidity affect the mental health of consumers. European studies indicate that a 1% increase in the unemployment rate increases the number of suicides by 0.8%.

According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress caused by financial problems already affects 26% of Americans. Among the causes of this worry are unforeseen expenses, such as a car breakdown or broken appliance, lack of savings, uncertainty about retirement, lack of work or job instability. People with low incomes, families with children and young people are more prone to suffer mental health problems derived from their economic situation.

If this is your case, we share with you some tips that will help you improve your financial situation and your mental health:

Assume the problem: If you are over-indebted, analyze your situation and look for help, you can count on ASUFIN for whatever you need.

Review your bills: If you have problems paying your bills, review them and consult other suppliers in order to get the most advantageous offer for you.

Look for aids: Aids have been launched to help people who are going through a delicate economic situation due to the rise in rates or the increase in prices. In ASUFIN we have a totally free infographic with aids that you can apply for and you can also watch our webinar on our YouTube channel.

Ask for help from professionals: In addition to seeking help to improve your financial situation, if this is affecting your mental health, seek help from professionals, a psychologist can help you better manage your emotions.

Have a healthy lifestyle: Exercising, trying to have a healthy diet and a good sleep rhythm will also help you to alleviate the anxiety caused by your financial situation.

Proyecto Peppi
Cofinanciado por la UE

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